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Burkini in France with or against ?

 Burkini in France with  or against ? 

the burkini Is it banned in France ???

Burkini in France

The barkin

What is the burkini?

Debates have been surrounding since its ban in Cannes in August 2016 based on the possible link to Islamic extremism. Later that year, #burkiniban hashtag was circulated among social media channels showing armed police in France demanding a woman to remove her headscarf. In response, Burkinista condemned the act as a terrorist attack right away.

Shedding away all the outcries, the burkini is now a contemporary swimwear— not only adored by Muslim women but also other religions such as Mennonites, Jews, nuns, and conservative Hindu women, who value modest swimwear. Wearing burkinis for most Muslim women is about illuminates a sense of freedom and authenticity in dressing protocols. Nowadays, even celebrities wear burkinis to avoid sunburn or premature skin aging.

Do you know, the burkini has been worn by female beach lifeguards in Australia?

Why Are All These Controversies For The Swimwear Burkini?

Banning burkini was in support of the idea that burkini

goes against the values ​​and laws of France. So much so, the Muslim community also supports banning burkini as it has shown women’s inequality to men in the Islamic region.

Opponents pressed on banning burkini as it is specifically designed for Muslim women. They are afraid it could divide a nation and end up resulting in harsh consequences.

A Glance Into Swimwear Burkini

Burkini, originally derived from burqa, is a full-body swimsuit except for the face, hands, and feet— coupled with a hood. It closely resembles the wetsuits worn by surfers and divers. Burkinis come in a vast range of colors or variants.

Who Discovered The Burkini?

The Burkini was designed by Lebanese-origin Australian designer Aheda Zanetti. The design is aimed at adherence to Islamic traditions of modest dressing.

She got her inspiration whilst she watched her niece playing netball with something like inappropriate attire that was hardly sports-friendly. Concerning the difficulty among Muslims, she later launched her sports brand— burkini as the leading attraction.

She owned the company Zanetti and she estimates 40% of her customers base has been non-Muslim.

5 Reasons To Try Swimwear Burkini

1. Burkinis protect you from sunburn as it contains additional layers of protection.

2. It is a comfy swimsuit that feels like wearing a swimming cap.

3. It backs up a fanbase of skin cancer survivors who are keen on doing protection.

4. Hijab swimming suits are super-easy to clean— just hand wash both sides with cold water and keep it dry. It will become as fresh as you bought it yesterday.

5. Burkinis are available in wide sorts of sizes or variants that all look pretty comfortable on fat women.

1- linguistically:

the word burkini is made up of two parts which are (burqa) and the last two syllables of the word (bikini)

"burqa": it is a word derived from the Arabic word (برقع) and it means a garment which covers the body and the head and which allows to see without being seen

2- etymologically:

the word "burkini" was invented by the Australian designer Aheda Zanetti in 2004

3- definition:

we can say that the burkini is a swimsuit made for muslim women, it covers the whole body more or less and which allows muslim women to bathe

4- manufacturing:

there are a few kinds and several models, these models consist of two or three pieces (a hat, pants and a sleeved tunic

the burkini is made from a blend of lycra with a nylon or polyester base

5- spreading:

this product was spread quickly to the European Union, Turkey, Singapore, New Zealand, Canada and the Arab world

6- the sale:

nearly 500 thousand parts have been sold for 22 years

7- the cause of the manufacture:

the australian stylist said she invented the burkini to give women more freedom

government reactions (authorization and prohibition):

a- in France:

 there is what is called "the law against the full veil" and this law forbids women to wear the burkini which covers the whole body but it allows to wear one which does not mask the face

most public swimming pools in France have also banned wearing the burkini

in 2006, some French municipalities held a demonstration to ban the wearing of the burkini on French beaches

b- in Italy:

the "Northern League" party has banned the burkini in a swimming pool in the municipality of Piedmont

c- in Morocco:

the burkini has been banned in Marrakech for hygiene reasons

d- in Norway:

the Norwegian government has authorized the wearing of the burkini on the beaches in Oslo

e- in Switzerland:

we have two orders which are:

1- the ban on wearing loose burkinis

2- permission to wear tight-fitting burkinis

and this is for hygienic reasons

8- The opinion of French officials:

-Nicolas Sarkozy: the former French president was against wearing the burkini and he sees that the wearing of the burkini is a "provocation in the service of political Islam" and he said that all ostensible religious symbols must be eliminated

-Marine le pen: the president of the National Front said: “of course the burkini must be banned from French beaches, where it has absolutely nothing to do. It is a question of republican secularism, of public order, certainly; but well beyond, it is the soul of France that is in question ”

-François Hollande: the ex-president announced that he is against any "circumstantial legislation, as inapplicable as it is unconstitutional"


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