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Online therapy is amazing

What Is Online Therapy ?

Online therapy, also known as teletherapy,that takes place over the internet.

Online therapy is a way to communicate with a licensed mental health professional over the phone or computer, rather than face-to-face in an office. 

Common means of communication include messaging Services can be offered over the phone, through video conferencing, or messaging, rather than in person.

online therapy

virtual therapy sessions 

Since the covid-19 pandemic began, virtual therapy sessions have become a new normal in our world. Virtual sessions can go by many names, such as teletherapy, telepractice, or telehealth. ⁠

⁠It is a great way to provide your child with services through distance. Whether you are a veteran of virtual sessions or new to teletherapy.

Reasons for online counselling & therapy

Web therapy has a lot of promise and offers benefits compared to in-person psychotherapy.

There are many reasons why clients choose to embrace online counselling & CBT.

1- You may be in an area where you struggle to access a particular specialism locally.

2- The challenge of COVID means that many clients need or prefer the safety that this way of working brings.

3- Many clients live busy lives and struggle to find the time to commute to wherever a face-to-face counsellor would be located.

4- You may struggle with a condition or disability that makes commuting to a counsellor or therapist a huge challenge.

Reasons for online counselling & therapy From a general point of view

1- Flexible date and time choices

2- The comfort of home

3- No driving, parking, transport costs or emissions

4- Reduced wait times for psychologists

5- Safely distanced

6- More privacy

some tips to get the most out of your teletherapy sessions!⁠

⁠1- Set up a quiet, distraction-free spot within your home to participate in teletherapy.⁠

2- Reduce background noise.

3- Use a device with a large screen. Our clinicians often share their screens, so it is important that your child can see the screen.⁠

4- Make sure you have a strong internet connection. This will reduce troubleshooting and ensure that your child gets their full therapy time.⁠

5- Check your email before the session. Sometimes our therapists will email materials that will need to be printed before the start of the session.⁠

⁠6- Stay nearby! You are our hands during a virtual session. Your child's therapist may need your assistance with behaviors, materials, or troubleshooting.⁠

⁠7- Avoid participating in virtual sessions in the car. This will ensure a strong internet connection throughout the session.⁠

⁠Following the above tips can set your child up for success during virtual sessions.

 ? Does online therapy work

This is a question I get asked a lot so I thought I'd share the answer

 Online therapy is amazing

 There's something really comforting about sitting in your favourite chair, wrapped in your blanky, your warm tea just the way you like it within reach...

Being in your little bubble means that you feel safe, your nervous system feels safe and that is the perfect combination for healing and releasing all of the things that are keeping you stuck. 

And yes, Hypnotherapy is just as effective online. I had a client this morning who after her online hypnotherapy for anxiety said...

 "OMG, I feel like a massive heavy weight has just lifted off my chest! I feel so light, like I can do anything.  I have my hope back!!!

So if you want to take charge of your emotions, learn to trust yourself and get your hope back,

 Online therapy is cheaper

online therapy has made  treatment more affordable and accessible, even if you work unconventional hours, have children, don't have access to reliable transportation, or lack health insurance.


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