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Elon Musk pulls out of $44bn deal to buy Twitter ... What is why ?

 Musk eliminates the Purchase Deal "Twitter" ... What is why?

We will learn about this article reasons that paid Elon Musk to cancel a Twitter purchase deal, why noton mask refuses to buy Twitter, Elon Musk pulls out of $44bn deal to buy Twitter .

Elon Musk pulls out of $44bn deal to buy Twitter

Elon Musk pulls out of $44bn deal to buy Twitter

American billionaire Elon Musk, CEO of electric car company "Tesla", announced the cancellation of the $44 billion purchase of Twitter. 

 Musk justified his withdrawal from the deal by saying that the company had not fulfilled its obligation to provide sufficient information and data about the fictitious accounts.

Twitter shares fell in the market, losing more than 7%

 Twitter shares fell in the market, losing more than 7 percent of their value, after the news of Musk's withdrawal from the deal.

Musk's lawyers said in a notification to regulators that Twitter failed or refused to respond to multiple requests for information about fake or unwanted accounts on the platform,

Which is essential to the company's business performance. They added that "Mr. Musk is exercising his right to cancel the agreement and abandon the deal."

Elon Musk threatens to stop the deal

Elon Musk threatened to stop the deal unless the company provides evidence that phantom accounts are less than five percent of users who watch ads on the service of social media.

 But Twitter announced it would be charged for his withdrawal from the deal. 

The US billionaire faces a fine of about $ 1 billion to end the transaction. 

The head of the site announced that the company will take legal action in order to comply with the "implementation of" the podium purchase deal.

Twitter board is committed to completing the deal at the price and terms agreed with a mask," Brett Taylor said in Twitter. 

We are confident that we will win.

The two sides are expected to enter a long judicial dispute on the prolonged transaction, which has many problems since the mask suddenly announced in April (last) to buy Twitter at $ 54.2 per share, its value at 44 billion dollars.

Mask's statements  have left the market in the unprecedented situation

Since then, Mask's statements and his Twitter have left the market in the unprecedented situation of whether the deal will be mattered or not. 

As well as that the agreement has not yet received the approval of the powers of monopoly prevention and regulatory bodies.

The news reiterated the attempts of mask securing financing to cover the deal, 

And his attention has led to what many analysts described as "negligence" for its core company giant electric car industry that began to suffer from problems represented in the lack of car numbers The statements and notes of a Musk were not limited to a "Twitter deal, 

But announced weeks before his intention to demobilize 10 percent of permanent workers with a monthly salary at Tesla, leading to market reaction for more sales for the company's shares

The recent Musk remarks have also been negatively negatively affecting Twitter stocks

The recent Musk remarks have also been negatively negatively affecting Twitter stocks because of the possibility of a mass withdrawal from the company's purchase deal 16 years ago.

 Lawyers spoke to American media that withdrawal from the deal without losses and fines seems difficult under strict conditions to prove "the material breach of contracting agreement".

The Law School of Law at the Boston University of Business Insider, said Delaware courts are one of the most friendly and business corporations.

 This means that demonstrating Musk overcome the deal may not accept the court. "In such transactions, what is the initial signature and in the absence of intercept government bodies or offer the highest price or breach,

 the transaction must be done." Other analysts believe Twitter may be open to the proposal to re-negotiate conditions

No renegotiation will be proposed between Elon Musk and Twitter

The deal, however, is unlikely to accept a price cut after Musk's initial $44 billion offer. 

A renegotiation proposal will not be on the table if the company does not guarantee that Musk will complete the deal. 

 What increases the doubts about the renegotiation proposal is that Musk has been trying for some time to secure partners for him who would contribute to the financing of the deal, 

And it does not appear from the news circulated in the media in the past two months that he succeeded in that enough.

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