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Don't do that you are in France

 Don't do that .. you are in France

in this article, we will talk about the most bizarre customs of the French

France, the country of fraternity, equality and freedom

France, the country of beauty, secularism, and democracy

France, the country of art, culture, and fashion

but be careful! .. when you travel to France, you must take into consideration the customs and mores of the French people

Don't do that you are in France

1- politeness:

 the French are a very refined people who emphasize the rules of politeness, so you must engage them by speaking to the French and we quote for example:

a- hi:

 it is done between friends by kissing the right cheek then the left cheek

b- the name:

-between the members of the family: each member calls the other by his first name, for example: Michel, Nicole etc ...

- outside the family: others are called by their names, for example: M.Michel, Mme.Nicole, Mlle.Marie etc ...

- in a store: when you walk in, you say hello, and when you leave, you say goodnight

c - gifts:

 when you want to give a gift to a French person, you have to offer it in the form of an odd number, and you should also avoid the number 13 because this number 13 is considered a sign of bad luck in France

-for the elderly: you should also avoid offering them roses such as lilies and anthemis because these roses are used for funerals

-if you want to present flowers, you have to send them in the morning

- if you have presented a bottle of wine to someone as a gift, you should know that they will put it aside for the next occasion because everything is ready for the current occasion

-do not be surprised if you saw a Frenchman who opens the gift immediately because it is very normal in France

d- clothes:

 the French take care of their appearance a lot and always wear elegant and pretty clothes

e- appointments:

 the French appreciate meetings very expensive, they are very meticulous and they never accept the delay

f-at the restaurant:

-you must hold the knife in the right hand and the fork in the left hand ، do not put your elbows on the table

-To eat fruits, you must first peel them

-you should never sit thoughtlessly

g- during the discussion:

-do not speak out loud

-avoid talking about money because the French do not like to speak in this matter

- be careful !, the French will approach you during the dialogue, so be relaxed

h- gestures:

 the French people like gestures a lot, they make gestures more than they speak.

when speaking to a French person, follow these tips:

- do not report using your index finger

- to express boredom, put the joint of the hand on the cheek

-to express surprise, shake your hand up and down

-to express indifference, shake your shoulders

- to express the number 1, use your thumb

-to show disbelief, lower your eyelids


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