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Homosexuality and the third sex

 Homosexuality and the third sex

In this article, we will talk about homosexuality and all its forms in detail.


Homosexuality and the third sex

etymologically the term "homosexuality" appeared in French at the end of the XlXe century by the Hungarian writer Karl-Maria Kertbeny


homosexuality is a person's sexual attraction to another person of the same sex

we can also say that homosexuality is a sexual orientation from a man to another man or from a woman to another woman, this orientation or this attraction is characterized by loving feelings

the kinds of homosexuality:

A- the relationship between two men (gay):

 this term is used to describe the relationship between two homosexual men

B- the relationship between two women (lesbian):

 this term is used to describe or designate the relationship between two homosexual women

sexual minorities:

to designate sexual minorities, we invented the acronym (LGBT)

the "L" stands for lesbian

the "G" stands for "gay"

the "B" stands for bisexual

the "T" stands for shemale

- what does bisexual and transexual mean?

the bisexual: it is a person who has an attraction towards both sexes

the transexual: it is a person who wishes to change his sex

Appointment and name:

-to designate male homosexuality, there are several nominations such as: sexual inversion, sodomy, love of boys, antiphysics, bougrerie and uranism

- to designate female homosexuality, we can say: lesbian, fricarelle, tribadism

homosexuality in the middle ages:

the society of the middle ages did not accept any homosexual act, and homosexual people were like criminals, and they are often sentenced by life imprisonment or hanging to death

Studies and Statistics:

- a study carried out in 2006 affirms that from 2 to 11% of people have homosexual sex in their life

-Another recent study showed that 2-7% of men and 1% of women considered themselves to be homosexual

-a survey carried out in France between (2010-2015) indicates that 3% of women and 7% of men consider themselves to be homosexuals

The symbol of homosexuals:

the symbol of homosexuals is a flag which consists of seven colors which are the colors of the rainbow

The attitude of religions towards: homosexuality

- Islam: he categorically refuses any kind of homosexuality

- Judaism: it also rejects homosexuality and all its forms

- Christianity: Pope Francis announced: "If a person is gay and seeks the Lord with good will, who am I to judge him"

- Buddhism: he invited to avoid sexual intercourse between individuals of the same sex

Gay marriage:

several western countries have allowed gay marriage such as France, England and the United States


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