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What is the game of cricket

 The origin of cricket, its rules and the countries it is famous for

Cricket is a type of English popular sport that is widely known worldwide, as cricket is the second most popular sport in the world after football.

What is the game of cricket

What is the game of cricket, its origin and history

The game of cricket originated in the southeast of England, where cricket began as a children's game for a long time before it became a game for teenagers and adults in the thirteenth century 

when children in the streets and fields of England used stone instead of the ball and tree branches instead of bats, 

but with the passage of time and development Cricket has evolved from a simple children's game to a popular sport throughout the country (England)

In 1844 AD, in New York City, the first international cricket match in the world was held between Canada and the United States.

 India and England are nowadays pioneers of this sport.

Cricket pitch and equipment :

Used in playing: The popular sport of cricket is played in special courts. 

The dimensions of each stadium differ from the other according to the place, 

but the common one is 150 m in length, 137 m in width, and 22.12 m in distance between the two goals in the center of the arena, and they are parallel and opposite.

 As for the goal, the width is Each one is 22.9 cm, and as we mentioned previously, 

the tools used are a ball, and there are no restrictions that determine the quality of the material it is made of,

 but its circumference is between (22.4 and 22.9 cm), and the weight is approximately 160 grams, and a wooden racket with a rounded handle is 96.5 cm long. width (10.8 cm)

How do you play cricket ?

The game of cricket consists of two teams of 11 players each. Both teams hit the ball in order (alternately) The batter stands opposite (in front) a group of stands known as “wooden logs.” Meanwhile, the pitcher seeks to get the batter out of the field by hitting the stems with the ball. Then the hitter defends the logs trying to hit the ball quickly, and here when he hits it, the hitter runs to reach the set of logs at the end of the field to collect a point.

The most famous countries in cricket :

 India: It has the largest number of cricket stadiums in the world, which has hosted 261 test matches.

 Pakistan: It ranks second after India in the number of cricket grounds and also hosted 144 Test matches.

 South Africa: the third after India and Pakistan with this number of stadiums. The country hosted 21 test matches that won eight matches and four draws and lost nine of them.


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